Focus on:
1. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
2. The Bilderberg
3. Trilateral Commission
The most powerful three families (Parts 2-4) and their allies work behind the scenes through powerful network of organizations. The network is in effect a world government in the shadows. The network consists of very powerful industrialists, bankers, academics, and politicians who for three quarters of a century have been eminent and the establishment behind the politics and economics of the West. More to the point, perhaps, they are the real governors of the world. The world's major political, economic and social developments are not haphazard, they are caused. They are, in fact, planned.
The economic conditions in Africa and other parts of the developing world do not just happen. The basic premise is that certain people are guiding world history along predetermined paths.
1. Council for Foreign Affairs (CFR)
“The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of an international group of a secret group of elite Anglo-Americans that has shaped world events for over 100 years. It operates on the basis that people's actions are strongly influenced by their knowledge base. People act on their beliefs. You can manipulate a person's actions by corrupting their knowledge base, warping historical truth, or ignoring it completely.”
Businessmen, bankers and lawyers determined to keep the United States engaged in the world founded the CFR in 1921 in New York City by Col. Edward Madell House, chief adviser to President Woodrow Wilson in league with the same stockholders of the Federal Reserve.
It is dedicated to increasing America’s understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy. The Council accomplishes this mainly by promoting constructive debates and discussions, clarifying world issues, and publishing Foreign Affairs, the leading journal on global issues.
Formation of the CFR
Between 1910-1915, the Rhodes-inspired Round Table Group, which had been set up by the 'Milner Kindergarten' (see Part 1), set up secretly in seven nations: Britain, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, and the United States. The American and British branches of the Rhodes Society were formally established at a meeting held at the Hotel Majestic on 30 May 1919. The men who attended the meeting were were members of the British and American delegations to the Paris Peace Conference.
The meeting resulted in the establishment of the Institute of International Affairs (IIA). The British Branch became the Royal Institute of International Affairs – RIIA (Chatham House) 1920, and the American branch became the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). RIIA arms in other nations are called (Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, South African, Indian and Netherlands) Institutes of International Affairs, or (Japanese, Chinese, and Russian) Institutes of Pacific Relations. The branch organizations have headquarters and membership lists. Membership is by invitation only.
It was at the Majestic Hotel in Paris in 1919 that the Round Table Groups of the United States and Britain (the Anglo-American Establishment) emerged from a cloak of secrecy. It officially became the (American) Council on Foreign Relations and the (British) Royal Institute for International Affairs.
The CFR's 25th Annual Report tells us this of the CFR's founding at Paris: “... the Institute of International Affairs (IIA) founded at Paris in 1919 was comprised, at the outset, of two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the US...' Later the plan was changed to create an ostensible autonomy because, ... it seemed unwise to set up a single institute with branches. It had to be made to appear that the CFR in America, and the RIIA in Britain, were really independent bodies, lest the American public become aware the CFR was in fact a subsidiary of the Round Table Group (set up by Sir Alfred Milner and his acolytes in 1909) and reject it.
Discussions between two groups of British and US experts on 30th May led to the founding of the RIIA. The British 'experts' themselves consisted of two groups -- members of 'the Milner Group', led by Lionel Curtis, and of the 'Cecil Bloc’, led by Lord Robert Cecil. The US group, headed by General Tasker Bliss, called itself 'The Inquiry' and mostly consisted of men connected with J. P Morgan interests.
The RIIA received considerable funding from US corporate sources, and later, already regarding the CFR as its 'branch', the RIIA placed members of the Milner Group on the boards of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), founded in Atlantic City in September 1924 to 'study international relations in the Pacific region'. This group co-ordinated British and US thinking on policy in that region. The institute was always formally independent of the CFR but the influence of J. P Morgan interests and later, of Rockefeller interests, were dominant in both.
These are dominated by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and major manipulators like Henry Kissinger (a Jew of Eastern European origin). Kissinger is a member of the Club of Rome and in 1974 supervised the production of US National Security Study Memo 200 about the implications of population growth. This stated that population growth in the developing world would lead to a desire for self-determination of their economies. It continued that the population must therefore be controlled, but this fact must be withheld from the country's leaders. Amongst the countries specifically targeted were Ethiopia, Columbia, India, Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia.
CFR membership is made up of present and past Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, think tank executives, lobbyist lawyers, NATO and Pentagon military leaders, wealthy industrialist, media owners and executives, university presidents and key professors, select Senators and Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, and wealthy entrepreneurs.
They hold regular secret meetings including members and very select guests. Occasionally they will hold a public meeting and invite the open press, in order to give the impression that they are an open group engaged only in social activities. A TV reporter asked Newt Gingrich (CFR) if he was a member of the CFR. His response was that "Yes, I am a member.
The chief financial supporters of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) have been South African mining tycoon, Sir Abe Bailey a British (of Jewish origin), and the Astor family (owners of the Times newspapers). Sir Abe Bailey’s son, James Richard Bailey, was the founder of South African Drum magazine and was married to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s daughter.
There are less than 3,000 members in any one nation and less than 60 thousand members worldwide, yet the members of the organization control between one-half and three-quarters of the world’s industrial and financial assets. They occupy top positions in the various branches of government. They control the news agencies and television networks. They head the largest law firms, direct the largest private foundations, are presidents of the most prestigious universities, and hold top commands in the military. They determine the destiny of their nations, and other nations throughout the world.
This small group of men unlawfully and knowingly combine, conspire, and agree to contribute to the establishment of one world order under the total direction, and the control of members of their group.
While many of the members of the organization make front-page news, and are historical figures in their own time, the organization itself, is conspicuously absent from the history books and the news. Even in the nations in which branch organizations are established, less than one person in 1000 has ever heard of the group. This is no accident.
The group influences public opinion through well-planned and co-ordinated psycho-political operations. They undermine people's confidence in their beliefs, their strength, their leaders and themselves The group paralyzes the will of a nation by spreading confusion, alternating excessive hope and excessive fear, and exploiting and adding fuel to every prejudice.
The psycho-political operations are covert. They are planned and executed to conceal the identity of, and permit plausible denial by the sponsor. They differ from clandestine operations in that emphasis is placed on concealment of identity of sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation. The group, including its branches, South African Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) and the CFR, operates under the Chatham House Rule, which states that:
"When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed".
The Chatham House Rule originated at the (British) Royal Institute of International Affairs with the aim of guaranteeing anonymity to those speaking within its walls. The attribute that it is a secret organization comes from its own document, the Council on Foreign Relations’ 1992 Annual Report, where they emphatically state, in 20 different places, and in varying terms, that members "better not tell".
Page 21: "At all meetings, the Council's rule of non-attribution applies. This assures participants that they may speak openly without others later attributing their statements to them in public media or forums, or knowingly transmitting them to persons who will."
Page 122: "Like the Council, the Committees encourage candid discourse by holding their meetings on a not-for-attribution basis."
Page 169: Article II of the By-Laws states: "It is an express condition of membership in the Council, to which condition every member accedes by virtue of his or her membership, that members will observe such rules and regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors concerning the conduct of Council meetings or the attribution of statements made therein, and that any disclosure, public, or other action by a member in contravention thereof may be regarded by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion as grounds for termination or suspension of membership pursuant to Article I of the By-Laws."
Page 174: "Full freedom of expression is encouraged at Council meetings. Participants are assured that they may speak openly, as it is the tradition of the Council that others will not attribute or characterize their statements in public media or forums or knowingly transmit them to persons who will. All participants are expected to honour that commitment."
Page 175: "It would not be in compliance with the reformulated Rule, however, for any meeting participant:
39 to publish a speaker's statement in attributed form in a newspaper
40 to repeat it on television or radio, or on a speaker's platform, or in a classroom
41 to go beyond a memo of limited circulation, by distributing the attributed statement in a company or government agency newspaper.
The language of the Rule also goes out of its way to make it clear that a meeting participant is forbidden knowingly to transmit the attributed statement to a newspaper reporter or other such person who is likely to publish it in a public medium.
The essence of the Rule as reformulated is simple enough: Participants in Council meetings should not pass along an attributed statement in circumstances where there is substantial risk that it will promptly be widely circulated or published."
... "In order to encourage to the fullest a free, frank, and open exchange of ideas in Council meetings, the Board of Directors has prescribed, in addition to the Non-Attribution Rule, the following guidelines. All participants in Council meetings are expected to be familiar with and adhere to these Guidelines. ..."
Page 176: "Members bringing guests should complete a "guest notice card" and acquaint their guests with the Council's Non-Attribution Rule governing what is said at meetings."
Later on page 176: "As a condition of use, the officers of the Council shall require each user of Council records to execute a prior written commitment that he will not directly or indirectly attribute to any living person any assertion of fact or opinion based upon any Council record without first obtaining from such person his written consent thereto."
In "A letter from the Chairman" in the 1994 Annual Report for the CFR, Peter G. Peterson states on page 7, that: "... Members had occasion to meet in intensive off-the-record sessions with Secretary of State [Warren] Christopher, National Security Advisor [Anthony] Lake, [former] Secretary [of State] George Pratt] Shultz, [Trade] Ambassador [Mickey] Kantor, Under Secretary of the Treasury [Lawrence H.] Summers, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other ranking officials. Next on our agenda are plans for reaching out to congressional leaders as well, an opportunity we will fashion as one component of an enhanced Washington Program."
A Jew, Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) was a famous journalist, member of America's first intelligence organization the INQUIRY, attended the Paris Peace Conference after World War I, and was a founding father of the secret-society's American Branch - the Council on Foreign Relations. Lippmann clearly explained the way the secret society works. Central to Lippmann's strategy of achieving government and international relations policy aims were large scale psycho-political operations aimed at the masses.
The early work of Lippmann, and another leading pioneer in the field of psychological warfare, Harold Lasswell, were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Not coincidentally the government's national security campaigns usually overlapped the commercial ambitions of Council on Foreign Relations and Institute of International Affairs controlled industries. The Carnegie Corporation and Ford Foundation were principal secondary sources of large-scale communication research funding, operating in close coordination with government propaganda and intelligence programs.
The INQUIRY was America's first Central Intelligence Agency. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Woodrow Wilson's close political advisor and friend, Edward Mandel House, suggested the idea to Wilson. House became the INQUIRY's first director, Lippmann was House's first recruit. The existence of the INQUIRY is such a well kept secret, that to this day hardly any Americans have heard of the INQUIRY or are aware that it ever existed. Wilson paid for the INQUIRY from the President's Fund for National Safety and Defense. He directed that it not be housed in Washington. A remote room in the New York Public Library was its first office. Later it moved to offices in the American Geographical Society at West 155th Street and Broadway.
James T. Shotwell, a Columbia University historian and an early recruit came up with the agency name the INQUIRY, which, he said, would be a "blind to the general public, but would serve to identify it among the initiated." (George J.A. O'Toole, Honourable Treachery, A History of US Intelligence, Espionage, and Covert Action from the American Revolution to the CIA, A Morgan Entrekin Book The Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1991 pg 303).
Shotwell probably chose the name because the word History is derived from a Greek word meaning "a learning by inquiry." Ironically the INQUIRY would use psychological warfare techniques to warp history by stressing favourable and unfavourable truths and leaving out facts completely to shape public opinion to support INQUIRY goals.
The INQUIRY and its members wrote most of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. Many of the members of the INQUIRY and the US State department delegates at the Paris Peace Conference belonged to the American branch of the Rhodes' secret society. At the Paris Peace conference they would trade-off most of the 14 points to establish the League of Nations. After the conference they would attend the meeting at the Hotel Majestic and become the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Funding of CFR
At formation , finances for the CFR came from: J.P. Morgan; John D. Rockefeller; Bernard Baruch; Paul Warburg; Otto Kahn; and Jacob Schiff.
Harper's magazine called this the most powerful organization in the United Sates. From CFR, come 90% of the people in the State Department and key positions in the Executive Branch. International banking organizations that currently have men in the CFR include Kuhn, Loeb & Co; Lazard Freres (directly affiliated with Rothschild); Dillon Read; Lehman Bros.; Goldman, Sachs; Chase Manhattan Bank; Morgan Guaranty Bank; Brown Bors. Harriman; First National City Bank; Chemical Bank & Trust; and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Bank. The CFR is totally interlocked with the major foundations (Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie) and think tanks (Rand, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institute).
Influences of CFR
In 1962 the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) was established on the Georgetown campus, where it maintained close ties with the US School of Foreign Service. CSIS included a number of people on its staff who had high-level CIA connections. The CSIS is controlled and staffed by CFR members. CSIS is part of the Council on Foreign Relations propaganda machine, which focuses on well planned psycho-political operations at powerful individuals and the masses.
* CSIS convenes 700-800 meetings, seminars, and conference each year in Washington and throughout the world. These are strategic psycho-political operations meant to influence powerful individuals in the US and outside. CSIS generates thousands of media appearances, articles, and background contacts annually. These are tactical psycho-political operations meant to influence mass public opinion. (, 09/13/98).
* When the CSIS informs and shapes selected policy decisions in government and the private sector they do so to further the interests of Council on Foreign Relations members, and members of CFR branch organizations in other nations, not the American people. On January 1, 1999, Sam Nunn will take over for CFR member Anne Armstrong as chairman of its Board of Trustees, and CFR member Robert Zoellick will assume the presidency as CFR member David M. Abshire moves on as CSIS chancellor. (, 09/13/98)
Center for Strategic and International Studies’ list of "Who Leads CSIS" contains 63 people, 35 are CFR members. Of the Center's staff of 80 research specialists at least 20 are CFR members.
* CSIS Counsellor CFR member Henry Kissinger (a Jew of Eastern European origin) chairs the semi-annual meetings of the International Councillors. This group of international business leaders discuss the implications of the changing economic and strategic environment. (, 09/13/98).
CSIS launched the National Security in the Twenty-First Century Project. It is co-chaired by CFR member Harold Brown and CFR member James Schlesinger. It promises a comprehensive look at what must be done to provide credible, capable defense of America, its interests and allies. The project focuses on four critical, strategic dimensions of future U.S. national security:
a) resources,
b) strategy and force structure,
c) information warfare,
d) U.S. national security decision-making.
What is and how does the CFR implement its Mission
"The mission of CSIS is policy impact. Its goal is to inform and shape selected policy decisions in government and the private sector by providing long-range, anticipatory, and integrated thinking over a wide range of policy issues.", 09/13/98
The CSIS achieves its mission in three ways:
"By generating strategic analysis - CSIS is a source of scholarly analysis on international public policy issues...
“By convening policymakers and other influential parties - CSIS has a long-standing reputation for bringing together leaders from government, the private sector, and academia from around the world...
“By building structures for policy action - CSIS mobilizes government and private-sector leaders in action commissions and other high-level groups and then moves policymakers to take concrete actions.", 09/13/98
The Chicago Tribune printed an editorial on December 9, 1950: "The members of the Council are persons of much more than average influence in the community. They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position, and their education have given them to lead their country towards bankruptcy and military debacle. They should look at their hands. There is blood on them - the dried blood of the last war and the fresh blood of the present one."
They have only been investigated once, and that was in 1954, by the Special House Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations (the Reece Committee), who said that the CFR was "in essence an agency of the United States Government." The Committee discovered that their directives were aimed "overwhelmingly at promoting the globalistic concept."
The published accounts of CFR activities greatly understate their power and influence on national and foreign policy. They have been called the "invisible government" or a front for the intellectual leaders who hope to control the world through the Fabian technique of "gradualism." Besides their involvement in the government, they hold key positions in all branches of the media, including the control or ownership of major newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, television and radio stations.
The New York Times wrote: "The Council's membership includes some of the most influential men in government, business, education and the press (and) for nearly half a century has made substantial contributions to the basic concepts of American foreign policy."
Newsweek called the Council's leadership the "foreign policy establishment of the U.S."
Political observer and writer Theodore White said: "The Council counts among its members probably more important names in American life than any other private group in the country."
In 1971, J. Anthony Lukas wrote in the New York Times magazine: "If you want to make foreign policy, there's no better fraternity to belong to than the Council."
From 1928-72, nine out of twelve Republican Presidential nominees were CFR members. From 1952-72, CFR members were elected four out of six times. During three separate campaigns, both the Republican and Democratic nominee was, or had been a member. Since The Second European War, practically every Presidential candidate, with the exception of Johnson, Goldwater, and Reagan, have been members.
The position of Supreme Allied Commander have usually been held by CFR members, like Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway, Gen. Alfred M. Groenther, Gen. Lauris Norstad, Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster, and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Most of the superintendents at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point have been members.
CFR members have held almost every key position, in every Administration, from Franklin D. Roosevelt to George Bush. During that 50 year period, every Secretary of State, with the exception of Cordell Hull, James F. Byrnes, and William Rogers, have been members. Every Secretary of Defense, from 1958, up to 1992, with the exception of Melvin Laird, have been members. Since 1920, 15 of 21 Treasury Secretaries have been members; and since the Eisenhower Administration, 10 out of 13 National Security Advisors have been members.
In President Harry Truman's Administration, were CFR members: Dean Acheson (Secretary of State), Robert Lovett (Secretary of State, and later Secretary of Defense), W. Averill Harriman (Marshall Plan Administrator), John McCloy (High Commissioner to Germany) , George Kennan (State Department advisor) , Charles Bohlen (State Department advisor).
When CFR member Dwight Eisenhower became American President, he appointed six CFR members to his Cabinet, and twelve to positions of 'Under Secretary': For example, John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State, an in-law to the Rockefellers who was a founding member of the CFR, past Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
When CFR member John F. Kennedy took office, 63 of the 82 names on his list of prospective State Department officials, were CFR members. John Kenneth Galbraith (Ambassador to India) said: "Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had a say, but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations people."
President Carter appointed over 60 CFR members to serve in his Administration: Walter Mondale (Vice-President), Zbigniew Brzeznski (National Security Advisor), Cyrus R. Vance (Secretary of State), W. Michael Blumenthal (Secretary of Treasury), Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense), Stansfield Turner (Director of the CIA), Gen. David Jones (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff). Jimmy Carter became a member in 1983.
There were 75 CFR and Trilateral Commission members in the Reagan Administration: Alexander Haig (Secretary of State), George Shultz (Secretary of State), Donald Regan (Secretary of Treasury), William Casey (CIA Director), Malcolm Baldridge (Secretary of Commerce), Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (UN Ambassador), Frank C. Carlucci (Deputy Secretary of Defense), William E. Brock (Special Trade Representative).
In 1975, Kissinger on the Couch was published. Authors Phyllis Schlafly and former CFR member Chester Ward stated: "Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. government should espouse a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy and to confound, discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition..."
In June, 1991, the CFR co-sponsored an assembly Rethinking America's Security: Beyond Cold War to New World Order which was attended by 65 prestigious members of government, labour, academia, the media, military, and the professions from nine countries. Later, several of the conference participants joined some 100 other world leaders for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany. The Bilderbergers also exert considerable clout in determining the foreign policies of their respective governments.
"The New World Order", by Pat Robertson published by Word, Inc., Dallas, Texas.
Page 66-67, states: "This august body of 'wise men' has effectively dominated the making of foreign policy by the United States government since before the (Second European) War. The CFR has included virtually every key national security and foreign policy adviser of this nation for the past seventy years." (in 1990).
Page 96: "In government policy, the most visible expression of the Establishment is the Council on Foreign Relations and its publication, Foreign Affairs. Out of some twenty- nine hundred members, at least five hundred are very powerful, another five hundred are from centers of influence, and the rest are influential in academia, the media, business and finance, the military, or government. A few are token conservatives."
Page 97: "According to a man who had been a member for fifteen years, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former judge advocate general of the Navy from 1956 to 1960: 'The purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all- powerful one-world government is the only objective revealed to about 95 percent of 1,551 members [in 1975]. There are two other ulterior purposes the CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is improbable that they are known to more than 75 members, or that these purposes ever have even been identified in writing.'
In 1992, The Twilight of Sovereignty by CFR member (and former Citicorp Chairman) Walter Wriston was published, in which he claims: "A truly global economy will require ...compromises of national sovereignty...There is no escaping the system."
In July 20, 1992, TIME magazine published The Birth of the Global Nation by Strobe Talbott, Rhodes Scholar, roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR Director, and Trilateralist, in which he wrote: "All countries are basically social arrangements...No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary...Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all...But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
As an editor of TIME, Talbott defended Clinton during his presidential campaign. He was appointed by President Clinton as the number two person at the State Department behind Secretary of State Warren Christopher, former Trilateralist and former CFR Vice-Chairman and Director. Talbott was confirmed by about two-thirds of the U.S. Senate despite his statement about the unimportance of national sovereignty.
In September 29, 1992, at a town hall meeting in Los Angeles, Trilateralist and former CFR president Winston Lord delivers a speech titled Changing Our Ways: America and the New World, in which he remarks: "To a certain extent, we are going to have to yield some of our sovereignty, which will be controversial at home...[Under] the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)...some Americans are going to be hurt as low-wage jobs are taken away."
Lord became an Assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton administration.
In July 18, 1993, the CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger wrote in the Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order."
In October 30, 1993,the Washington Post ombudsman Richard Harwood does an op-ed piece about the role of the CFR's media members: "Their membership is an acknowledgement of their ascension into the American ruling class [where] they do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it."
In January/February, 1994 - the CFR's Foreign Affairs printed an opening article by CFR Senior Fellow Michael Clough in which he writes that the "Wise Men" (e.g. Paul Nitze, Dean Acheson, George Kennan, and John J. McCloy) have: "assiduously guarded it [American foreign policy] for the past 50 years...They ascended to power during The Second European War...This was as it should be. National security and the national interest, they argued must transcend the special interests and passions of the people who make up America...How was this small band of Atlantic-minded internationalists able to triumph?...Eastern internationalists were able to shape and staff the burgeoning foreign policy institutions...As long as the Cold War endured and nuclear Armageddon seemed only a missile away, the public was willing to tolerate such an undemocratic foreign policy making system."
The Council on Foreign Relations’ role in numerous historical events including:
1. It played a part in creating the first American central intelligence agency - The INQUIRY.
2. The CFR War and Peace Studies Group led to the Council taking control of the State Department of the United States.
3. It members run the Central Intelligence Agency, and control the Federal Reserve Bank.
4. It has placed at least 100 Council members in every Presidential Administration since Woodrow Wilson. At least five Presidents (Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), Gerald Ford (1974-1977), Jimmy Carter (1977-1981), George Bush Snr (1989-1993), and Bill Clinton) have been Council on Foreign Relations members.
5. It created the Psychological Strategy Board, aka the Operations Coordinating Board, aka the Special group, largely responsible for coordinating massive international psycho-political operations from the Truman administration and then on.
6. CFR members George Kennan and Walter Lippmann worked on a psycho-political operation that would create the Marshall plan.
7. Together with the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) members played a significant role in establishing the United Nations at Dumbarton Oaks.
8. The Wits University-based South African Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) is a branch of the Council on Foreign Relations/Royal Institute of International Affairs. The SAIIA is meant to control and influence public opinion in Southern Africa and Africa in general just as the CFR controls public opinion in the USA. It is surprising that the South African Foreign Minister, Dr. Nkosazana Dhlamini-Zuma is the patron and the brother of President Thabo Mbeki, Moeletsi Mbeki is the Deputy Chairman. One of the deputy chairperson is Elisabeth Bradley, a director of Anglo-Gold, which is a subsidiary of the Oppenheimer-owned Anglo American Corporation. The chairman, Fred Phaswana is a director of Anglo American Corporation of South Africa and chief executive British Petroleum (BP) Southern Africa. An ANC Press Statement of March 1985 on the issue of an oil embargo against the apartheid regime read: “British Petroleum (BP), Caltex, Mobil, Shell and Total have established, expanded and continue to operate refineries in South Africa. They are directly involved in the repression of the South African and Namibian people and the aggression against South Africa's neighbours by their continued supply of fuel and petroleum products to the military and security arms of the regime in Namibia and South Africa. These companies have diversified their interests in the apartheid economy and help buttress it by investment and the transfer of technology… The international oil companies have tried to hide their continued involvement behind South Africa's secrecy laws and behind claims that they have no control over their South African subsidiaries… The international oil companies advertise their collaboration with apartheid in the South African press and deny it to their shareholders.”
The honorary treasurer of SAIIA is Brian Hawksworth, who is also a member of the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) which is linked to the neo-liberal Tony Leon-led Democratic Alliance opposition party through cross trusteeship/patronage and funding by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) with Helen Suzman Foundation. FNF is a political foundation affiliated to the liberal party of Germany, Free Democratic Party (FDP).
The Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) is another conservative think tank that was founded in 1962 and is part of the Republican Establishment. The CSIS focus on national security and "advancing the global interests" of the U. S. made it a favourite of the Reagan administration. The center specializes in studies of crisis management, with an emphasis on how the U. S. should manage crises in other countries.
The London-based Zimbabwe Democracy Trust (ZDT) had arranged the visit.
The CFR headquarters and library is located in the five-story Howard Pratt mansion (a gift from Pratt's widow, who was an heir to the Rothschild-owned Standard Oil fortune). On the national level, the members of the Business Advisory Council and the Pilgrim Society are groups, which form the inner circle of the CFR, while on the international level, it's the Bilderbergers.
2. The Bilderberg
The Bilderberg is reputed to run the most exclusive and private annual conferences. It is the prime "mover and shaker" organisation in the world, comprising presidents, royal families, ministers, top industrialists and financial leaders.
It strictly consists of "Western" elite, i.e. of the USA and Europe. It explicitly excludes anyone from Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.
Name origins
There are two explanations about the origins of the name "Bilderberg."
It took its name from the Hotel de Bilderberg( in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where the first meeting took place in May 1954. The hotel was built in 1918 and renovated in 1997 and believed to be named after Farben Bilder, a key executive member of the German Third Reich (1933-45).
Farben Bilder helped organize an elite group to direct Heinrich Himmler's "Circle of Friends," and one of the Bilderberg founders was Dutch Prince Bernhard, who was born in Germany, had been a member in the Reiter SS.
Dutch Prince Bernhard admired Bilder, and wanted a similarly elite group to manage global economic events so there would never be another Great Depression.
Farben Bilder was also behind the ownership and naming of IG Farben, a German chemical industry conglomerate.
IG Farben's name is further taken from Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, founded in 1925 and became defunct in 1952. It was born out of a syndicate of six dye-making corporations, BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Griesheim-Elektron, Weiler Ter Meer. It was broken up and liquidated "due to the severity of the war crimes committed by IG Farben during World War II." It was succeeded by the original constituent companies, BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.
Wilhelm Karl Keppler (1882-1960) was a German businessman, the chairman of another IG Farben subsidiary Braunkohle-Benzin AG and one of Adolf Hitler's early financial backers. "To strengthen the Nazi Party's ties with business and industry, Keppler founded the Circle of Friends of the Economy (Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft, which is sometimes referred to as the "Keppler Circle"). Keppler joined the SS (#50,816) in August 1932 and founded the Circle of Friends of Heinrich Himmler, which was a continuation of the Keppler Circle."
Farben Bilder played an important role in organizing the "Circle of Friends" of Heinrich Himmler by sponsoring the meetings. Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945) was a key Nazi leader.
Keppler's nephew, Fritz J. Dranefuss, was the personal assistant to Heinrich Himmler. Of the forty members of the Circle of Friends, which provided ample funds for Himmler, eight were executives of I.G. Farben or its subsidiaries.
The Bilderberg was created by four people:
1. British politician, Denis Healey (now Lord Healey of Riddlesden) (1917-). At the time he was the Labour Party's MP and Shadow Secretary of State. He later went on to be the British Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970, Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party (1980-83). A member of the Fabian Society Executive Committee and a councillor of the Royal Institute of International Affairs before he became a politician.
2. Joseph Hieronim Retinger (1888-1960), a Polish of German Jewish origins and the son of the private legal counsel and advisor to the eminent Polish nobleman Count Wladyslaw Zamoyski. He was the founding secretary of the Bilderberg Group from 1954-1960. According to Denis Healey, from his autobiography 'The Time of My Life' (Penguin, 1989), the Bilderberg Group was "brain-child of Joseph Retinger, a Pole who had settled in England after the Great War, married the daughter of the socialist intellectual, E.D. Morel, and worked as a secretary to Joseph Conrad, another Polish expatriate." (
3. American businessman, David Rockefeller, was head of the Chase Manhattan Bank, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), member of the Business Council, the US Council of the International Chamber of Commerce, and founder of the Trilateral Commission.
4. The Netherlands' German-born Prince Bernhard (1911-2004), the husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of her four children, including the former monarch Queen Beatrix. At the time, he was an important figure in the oil industry and held a major position in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil), as well as Société Générale de Belgique - a powerful global corporation. He gave the go-ahead, but the idea for the Bilderberg belonged to Joseph H. Retinger (also known as L'Eminence - His Grey Eminence).
Prince Bernhard, whose family, the Hapsburgs, is said to have descended from the Roman Emperors, was a former Nazi SS officer while he was a student. He first became interested in the Nazis in 1934, during his last year of study at the University of Berlin. He was recruited by a member of the Nazi intelligence services, but first worked openly in the motorized SS. Bernhard went to Paris to work for the firm IG Farben, which pioneered Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht's slave labour camp system by building concentration camps to convert coal into synthetic gasoline and rubber. Bernhard's role was to conduct espionage on behalf of the SS.
According to the April 5, 1976 issue of Newsweek, this role, as part of a special SS intelligence unit in IG Farbenindustrie, had been revealed in testimony at the Nuremberg trials.
It was created to make the USA and Europe work together harmoniously and as a supportive wing of NATO and the Marshall Plan which was launched in the 1940s.
That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressed by many leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on matters of critical importance.
Origins of the Bilderberg
The initiative for the first convocation came from Joseph Retinger, in conjunction with Paul Rijkens, President of Unilever (which was formed in 1930 when the Dutch margarine company ‘Margarine Unie’ merged with British soapmaker Lever Brothers).
The significance of Unilever needs to be examined. Unilever is one of the largest and most powerful multinational corporations in the world and one of the top European companies. In the 1950's the advisory directors of Unilever were as follows (attention is being drawn to the links with the Rotterdam Bank and Philips, the electrical firm):
* H.M. Hirschfield, also on the board of Philips and Rotterdam Bank and with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs during the war, and after it Commissioner for the Marshall Plan in the Netherlands;
* K.P. Van der Mandel, also on the board of Rotterdam Bank;
* Paul Rijkens, also on the board of Rotterdam Bank;
* H.L. Wolterson, also chair of Philips and on the board of Heldring and Pearson (linked with the Rotterdam Bank);
* P S.F Otten, also President of Philips (and married to a member of the Philips family)
One of the unusual features of Unilever is its bi-national structure (Stokman et al, 1985): it is a jointly owned Anglo Dutch company, with a fifty-fifty structure and a unitary board. This was a very useful device during the war, when operations could be shifted easily from the Netherlands to the Britain.
Philips had a similar arrangement under a Dutch law called the Corvo Law, whereby in an emergency it could divide itself into two parts, which it did when the Germans invaded: one with its HQ in Germany and the other American. Both these parts got large military contracts during the war, playing a role on both sides (Aaronovitch 1961, pp. 110-11).
The immediate chain of events leading to the setting up of the first conference were as follows. Prince Bernhard set off for the USA in 1952 to visit his old friend Walter Bedell Smith, director of the newly formed CIA. Smith put the organisation of the American end into the hands of Charles D. Jackson (special assistant for psychological warfare to the US President), who appointed John S. Coleman (president of the Burroughs Corporation. and a member of the Committee for a National Trade Policy), who in turn briefly became US chair of Bilderberg.
Charles Jackson was president of the Committee for a Free Europe, forerunner of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) whose extensive operations financing and organizing anti-Communist social democratic political intellectuals has only recently been fully documented (see Coleman 1989); and ran the CIA-financed Radio Free Europe (RFE) in Germany. Earlier, he had been publisher of Fortune magazine and managing director of Time/Life magazines, and during the war was deputy head of psychological warfare for Eisenhower. At the time of Bernhard's visit he was working with a committee of businessmen on both sides of the Atlantic, which approved the European Payments Union.
It was thus a European initiative, and its aim was, in official language, to 'strengthen links' between Western Europe and the USA.
Retinger drew up a selected list of people to be invited to the first conference with Prince Bernhard and Rijkens, from the European countries of NATO plus Sweden.
The resulting group consisted of the Belgian and Italian prime ministers, Paul van Zeeland and Alcide de Gasperi (CDU), from France both the right wing prime minister Antoine Pinay and the Socialist leader Guy Mollet; diplomats like Pietro Quaroni of Italy and Panavotis Pipinelis of Greece; top German corporate lawyer Rudolf Miller and the industrialist Otto Wolff von Amerongen; the Danish foreign minister Ole Bjorn Kraft (publisher of Denmark’s top daily newspaper); from England came Denis Healey and Hugh Gaitskell from the Labour Party, Robert Boothby from the Conservative Party, Sir Oliver Franks from the British state, and Sir Colin Gubbins, who had headed the Special Operations Executive (SOL) during the war; on the American side, the members of the first Bilderberg assembly included: George Ball, who was head of Lehman Brothers, a former high State Department official, where he was architect of the policy of Atlantic Partnership, and later member of the Trilateral Commission. Ball was closely associated with Jean Monnet, owing to his work as legal counsel for the ECSC and the French delegation to the Schuman Plan negotiations.
Dean Rusk - US Secretary of State 1961-69, earlier President of the Rockefeller Foundation 1952-60, having succeeded John Foster Dulles, himself an earlier Secretary of State. A close personal friend of Jean Monnet whom he had first met at Versailles in 1918 as well as of Dean Acheson, Truman's Secretary of State and the true author of the Marshall Plan.
The final list was 67. Since then, the group enlarged somewhat, but the steering group remained the same size. Each year, the "steering committee" devises a selected invitation list with a maximum 100 names.
After Retinger's death in 1960, the role of secretary was taken over by Dutch Socialist Ernst van der Beughel, headed the Dutch bureau for the Marshall Plan and later became Chairman of KLM airlines and the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.
After the resignation of Prince Bernhard who served as chairman for twenty-two years. He was succeeded by Lord Home of the Hirsel, former Prime Minister of Britain, who chaired the meetings for four years.
At the 1980 meeting, Lord Home turned over the chairmanship to Walter Scheel, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany.
In 1985, Mr. Scheel resigned, and was succeeded by Lord Roll of Ipsden, President of S. G. Warburg Group plc.
At 1989 meeting, Lord Roll turned over the chairmanship to Lord Carrington, who still chairs the meetings.
Retinger, as a Catholic, was viewed by many as an agent of the Vatican, acting in liaison between the Pope and the Father-General of the Jesuit Order then.
One of Retinger's renowned achievements in European politics was the founding of the European Movement (arising out of the Congress of the Hague), leading to the establishment of the Council of Europe on 5th May 1949. With its headquarters in Strasbourg, the Council Executive Committee provided Retinger his first major platform for his expansive ideology. From his earlier days at the Sorbonne, Retinger believed in greater European unity, both in military and economic terms. It was also at the same time when his interest in the guidance of the Jesuit order manifested itself. He spent a great deal of his time fulfilling these ambitions. He suggested to Premier Georges Clemenceau a plan to unite Eastern Europe-involving the merging of Austria, Hungary and Poland as a tripartite monarchy under the guidance of the Jesuit order. Clemenceau, doubtful of the Vatican-inspired plan, rejected Retinger's proposal outright. This plan labelled Retinger, thereafter, as a Vatican agent.
Retinger was a man who could make an appointment with the President of the United States just by picking up the telephone. In 1952, Retinger proposed a secret conference to Prince Bernhard, which would involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors.
The Prince thought it was a grand idea, and they formed a committee to plan the conference. Bernhard briefed the Truman administration about the meeting in 1952, and although the idea was warmly embraced in the U.S., the first American counterpart group was not formed until the Eisenhower administration.
CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith and C.D. Jackson were key players in organizing the American counterpart group, heavily influenced by the Rockefeller dynasty, whose Standard Oil holdings competed with Bernhard's Royal Dutch Petroleum. From then on, the Bilderberg business reflected the concerns of the oil industry in its meetings.
At early meetings of the Bilderberg, attendees expressed frustration with American politics, then in the throes of McCarthyism, whose nationalist ideology stood in the way of global planning. C. D. Jackson tried to quell their fears by saying, "Whether McCarthy dies by an assassin's bullet or is eliminated in the normal American way of getting rid of boils on body politics, I prophesy that by the time we hold our next meeting he will be gone from the American scene."
The occasion of the first meeting has outgrown the hotel, but the Dutch link remains. Among several European royals who attend as occasional guests, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and her husband come regularly. Bilderberg's tiny secretariat sits in The Hague, the Netherlands. The meetings now take place by informal rotation in countries of the Atlantic community. Each country has two steering committee members. (The British ones have included Lord Carrington; Denis Healey – a former British MP, Defence Minister, Chancellor for Margaret Thatcher; Andrew Knight, the one-time editor of The Economist magazine and is now executive chairman of the 'rival' News International, which runs The Times and the Sun, and which is funded by the Oppenheimers and the Rothschilds; and Martin Taylor, the ex-CEO of Barclays Bank.)
Some of the Bilderberg-friendly global corporations are Xerox, Heinz, Fiat, Barclays bank and Nokia, which donate hundreds of thousands of dollars needed for the meetings. The group does not accept unsolicited donations from non-Bilderberg corporations.
Bilderberg meetings are held in remote places, and attendees are encouraged to leave spouses and aides at home, to not use prepared texts, and to conduct discussions in English as much as possible.
Director and advisory board members include Gianni Agnelli of Fiat, Dwayne Andreas (controlling shareholder of Archer-Daniels Midland), Zbigniew Brzezinski (former national security advisor in the Carter administration), Lord Carrington (former British foreign and defense minister and secretary-general of NATO and close business partner of Henry Kissinger), Andrew Knight (one time editor of the Economist and is now executive chairman of the 'rival' News International, which runs The Times and the Sun, and which is funded by the Oppenheimers and the Rothschilds), Richard Perle (of the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, former U.S. assistant secretary of National Defense and one of the champions of the Strategic Defense Initiative and Euro-missile deployment, and part of the American President George Bush’s neo-conservative cabal), Paul Volker (former Federal Reserve chairman), and George Will (U.S. right-wing columnist and commentator), to name just a few.
"Providentially, the world became more accessible for me as Canada became less commodious," Conrad Black said in his biography, "A Life in Progress". "It was from Bilderberg that our company's eventual vocation as an international newspaper organization arose."
It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.
It meets regularly (presumably on a once-a-year basis) at various locations around the world, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller family. The internationalist group has a revolving membership of several hundred participants composed of elites from the United States and Western Europe, primarily—almost exclusively—from the NATO countries. (Representatives from the former Soviet Union and East Bloc countries attended meetings since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Bilderberg maintains an extremely low profile and seldom, if ever, publishes reports or studies (for the public, at least) under its own official aegis. Bilderberg participants denied the groups very existence for decades until forced into the open by the glare of media publicity, generated largely by the Spotlight magazine and its publisher, Liberty Lobby.
Since the constitution of several monarchies of the Western Europe bans members of their royal families from playing an active role in the political process, the Bilderberg meetings provide this exact forum and platform for them.
The first (Bilderberg) meeting was convened under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who served as chairman for twenty-two years. He was succeeded by Lord Home of the Hirsel, former Prime Minister for the United Kingdom, who chaired the meetings for four years. At the 1980 meeting, Lord Home turned over the chairmanship to Walter Scheel, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1985, Mr. Scheel resigned, and was succeeded by Lord Roll of Ipsden, President of S. G. Warburg Group Plc. At 1989 meeting, Lord Roll turned over the chairmanship to Lord Carrington (former Chairman of the Conservative Party, former British Foreign Affairs Minister during the reign of Margaret Thatcher, former NATO secretary general, trustee of the right-wing Zimbabwe Democracy Trust and close business partner of Henry Kissinger) who still chairs the meetings.
Participants are invited to the Bilderberg meeting by the Chairman, following his consultations and recommendations by the Steering Committee membership, the Advisory Group and the Honorary Secretaries-General. This approach ensures a full, informed and balanced discussion of the agenda items. The individuals are chosen based on their knowledge, standing and experience. They attend the Bilderberg in a private and not in an official capacity. There are usually about 120 participants of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education, communications. The previous participants maintain that, at the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are made.
In 1991, David Rockefeller was quoted while speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden, Germany at a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
He went on to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Bilderberg policy is carried out by the Bilderberg Steering Committee, made up of 24 Europeans and 15 Americans; and by the Advisory Committee, which forms a much smaller group within the organization. All American members of the Steering Committee are members of the CFR. The permanent Bilderberg Secretariat is located at: 1 Smidswater, the Hague, the Netherlands. Their address in America is at: 345 E. 46th Street, New York City (which is also the location of the Trilateral Commission, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
The American Friends of Bilderbergers, with offices in New York City, is an IRS-approved charitable organization that receives regular contributions from Exxon, Arco, and IBM; while their meetings are funded by the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment Fund.
Prominent personalities who are/have been associated with the Bilderberg?
(Not in any order)
- Lord Carrington-Chairman of the Board, Christie's International plc; Former Secretary-General NATO and Trust and close business partner of Henry Kissinger.
- Hilmar Kopper-Spokesman of the Board of Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank AG
- Ashdown Paddy, the Leader of the Liberal Party of Britain participant in a 1989 meeting. As a young man, Ashdown served in the Royal Marines and the Special Boat Service—the navy’s equivalent of the SAS. Afterwards he is supposed to have worked for the British intelligence service MI6, whilst serving as First Secretary of the British mission to the United Nations in Geneva. Towards the end of his career as Liberal Democrat leader in the late 1990s, he made several expenses-paid trips to Yugoslavia courtesy of George Soros’ Open Society Institute. The pro-capitalist institute operates mainly in East European countries and boasts of the “exceptional levels of cooperation and coordination” between Western institutions in the Yugoslav election campaign in 2000, which led to the overthrow of Milosevic.
- Percy Barnevik – ex-President and CEO, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd, Sweden
- James D. Wolfensohn - President, World Bank
- George W. Ball - Former Under-Secretary of State, USA
- Jacob Wallenberg, chairman of the board of commercial bank SEB and head of Sweden's influential Wallenberg family whose empire has a finger in almost every big Swedish company. Executive Vice-Chairman, Investor AB. Vice-Chairman: The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Atlas Copco; Electrolux SAS. Member of the Board: ABB Ltd; WM-data; Swedish Federation of Enterprise; Nobel Foundation, EQT.
EQT is a private equity fund acting as an investment advisor to all funds, has offices in Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland and Copenhagen, Denmark. EQT realizes its business concept by acquiring medium-sized companies in the Nordic countries and serving as an active owner in close co-operation with the management of the companies acquired.
Documents from The Second European War contain evidence that Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg used their Enskilda Bank to help the Nazis dispose of assets seized from Dutch Jews who died in the Holocaust. According to extensive documentation, the Wallenberg bank also provided illicit cover so a German company could operate in the United States - with help from a future US secretary of state, John Foster Dulles. The documents indicate that the company, Bosch, paid its fee in gold, but that the Wallenbergs insisted that the gold be used to buy Swiss securities because they feared the gold had been stolen by the Nazis. So dominant that Jacob was the country's unofficial business emissary to the Nazis while Marcus played the same role with the Allies. Even so, US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. warned in one wartime document that he considered both brothers to be pro-Nazi, citing their ``collaboration and/or connivance in facilitating major German capital operations in Sweden.'' One of those operations, according to documents unearthed by the Dutch scholars, was a Wallenberg agreement to purchase for resale securities that the Nazis forced Dutch Jews to surrender after the Nazis occupied Holland in 1940. After lengthy post-war negotiations, the Enskilda Bank returned securities to the Netherlands, only after a stipulation that the Wallenbergs had obtained them without any knowledge that they had been plundered from Jews. But the Dutch authors uncovered a US State Department report noting that Marcus Wallenberg subsequently admitted that the bank dealt in securities looted by the Nazis. After the war began in 1939, the Enskilda Bank agreed to become the straw owner of the American Bosch Co., a subsidiary of the German firm of the same name, so that it could avoid having its assets confiscated if the United States entered the war. Dulles, acting as the Wallenbergs' attorney, handled the details. But after Pearl Harbor, American officials saw through the ruse, and seized the company's shares. But when Bosch in 1943 arranged to pay Enskilda for its services, the fees, equivalent to about $12 million today, were obtained in gold from the German government. According to the documents found by the Dutch, one of the Wallenberg brothers - the documents do not say which - ``asked where the gold actually came from and suggested in case of an objectionable origin to sell it and buy in its place Swiss or Swedish securities.'' Bosch complied with the request.
The Wallenberg Group dominates the Swedish industry, in particular the multinational engineering sector.
- Former IMF heads Michel Camdessus and Stanley Fischer. Before joining the International Monetary Fund, Michel Camdessus was governor of the Bank of France and has spent most of his career working for the French government.
- The chairmen of carmakers Fiat, Giovanni Agnelli, and DaimlerChrysler, Juergen Schrempp
- Former British finance minister Kenneth Clarke
- Dutch Queen Beatrix
- Xerox Corp CEO Paul Allaire
- Former USA President Bill Clinton
- Former Portuguese Prime Minister António Guterres
- Lord Conrad Black a British and Canadian media baron and former owner of the Telegraph group (Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph). The Telegraph Plc was controlled by Conrad Black, a senior member of the Trilateral Commission. Directors of the Telegraph include Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd, Rupert Hambro, a member of the Hambro family and a director of the Anglo-American Corporation, which is controlled by the Oppenheimer family. Also on the board of The Telegraph Plc is Henry Keswick, chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. Henry Keswick's Brother is Chairman of Hambro's Bank Ltd and a director of De Beer's Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd. De Beer's is controlled by the Oppenheimer Family.
- Richard Holbrooke,
- Peter Mandelson, British Northern Ireland Secretary
- Portugal’s President Jorge Sampaio
- Lord Robert Owen
- Margaret Thatcher, former British prime minister
- Helmut Kohl former German chancellor
- Lord Peter Carrington
- Queen Sophia of Spain
- Bernander, John G. - Director General, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
- Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner, European Commission
- Borges, António - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
- Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board, AXA, France
- Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, Prisa (El Pais)
- Dahrendorf, Ralf - Member, House of Lords; Former Warden, St. Antony's College, Oxford
- Dam, Kenneth W. - Deputy Secretary, US Department of Treasury
- David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, CocaCola H.B.C. S.A.
- Dinh, Viet D. Assistant Attorney General for Office of Policy Development, USA
- Draghi, Mario - Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International, Italy
- Eldrup, Anders - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Danish Oil & Gas Consortium, Denmark
- Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research, USA
- Ferreira, Elisa Guimarães - Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Planning, Protugal
- Fortescue, Adrian - Director General, Justice and Internal Affairs, European Commission
- Frum, David - American Enterprise Institute; Former Special Assistant to President Bush
- Gigot, Paul A. - Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal
- Greenspan, Alan - Chairman, former Federal Reserve System
- Groenink, Rijkman W.J. - Chairman of the Board, ABN AMRO Bank N.V, Netherlands
- Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings, Netherlands
- Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post
- Krauthammer, Charles - Columnist, The Washington Post
- Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow - Hudson Institute Inc. USA
- Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA
- McAuliffe, Terry - Chairman, Democratic National Committee, USA
- McDonough, William J. - President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Mitchell, Andrea - Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, NBC News, USA
- Moïsi, Dominique - Deputy Director, French Institute of International Relations, France
- Montbrial, Thierry de - Director, French Institute of International Relations, France
- Moskow, Michael H. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Ollia, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation, Finland
- Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank
- Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
- Polenz, Ruprecht - Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU, Germany
- Prestowitz, Jr., Clyde V. - President, Economic Strategy Institute, USA
- Racicot, Mark - Chairman, Republican National Committee
- Randa, Gerhard - Chairman and CEO, Bank Austria AG, Austria
- Rumsfeld, Donald H. - Secretary of Defense, USA
- Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG, Germany
- Schweitzer, Louis - Chairman and CEO, Renault S.A, France
- Seidenfaden, Tøger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Denmark
- Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center, Russia
- Siegman, Henry - Council on Foreign Relations, USA
- Soros, George - Chairman, Soros Fund Management, USA. George Soros, the global financial manipulator who is believed to be operating under orders from the House of Rothschild.
- Steinberg, James B. - Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy Studies Program, USA
- Summers, Lawrence H. - President, Harvard University, USA
- Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman BP Amoco
- Thornton, John L. - President and co-CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. USA
- Tiilikainen, Teija H. - Director of Research, Centre for European Studies, Finland
- Treschow, Michael - Chairman, Ericsson, Sweden
- Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France, France
- Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor, Austria
- S Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
- Whyte, Kenneth - Editor, The National Post, Canada
- Williams, Gareth - Leader, House of Lords; Member of the Cabinet, Britain
3. Trilateral Commission
(also known as the ‘Child of Bilderberg group’)
The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973. Its founder and primary financial angel was international financier, David Rockefeller, long time chairman of the Rockefeller family-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and undisputed overlord of his family's global corporate empire.
Rockefeller's idea for establishing the commission emerged after he had read a book entitled Between Two Ages written by an Establishment scholar, Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University.
In his book Brzezinski proposed a vast alliance between North America (USA and Canada), Western Europe and Japan. According to Brzezinski, changes in the modern world required it.
"Resist as it might," Brzezinski wrote elsewhere, "the American system is compelled gradually to accommodate itself to this emerging international context, with the U.S. government called upon to negotiate, to guarantee, and, to some extent, to protect the various arrangements that have been contrived even by private business."
In other words, it was necessary for the international upper class to band together to protect its interests, and to ensure, in the developed nations, that political leaders were brought to power who would ensure that the global financial interests (of the Rockefellers and the other ruling elites) would be protected
Although the initial arrangements for the commission were laid out in a series of meetings held at the Rockefeller's famous Pocantico Hills estate outside New York City, Rockefeller first introduced the idea of the commission at an annual meeting of the Bilderberg group, this one held in Knokke, Belgium in 1972.
The founding members of the Trilateral Commission are Sirus Vance and Warren Christopher, former American Secretary of State. David Rockefeller, President of Chase Manhattan Bank, was president and Zbigniew Brzezinski is chief executive.
This was formed in 1973 by banker David Rockefeller who organized it as a private body and chose Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security Advisor to President Carter, as the Commission's first director. David Rockefeller is said to have invited Jimmy Carter to become a founding member. Currently he is a Counsellor and also board member of Center for Strategic and International Studies; Robert Osgood Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, and Johns Hopkins University.
It is for Japan, Europe (European countries specifically comprising of Germany, England, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Austria, and Luxembourg), and North America (United States and Canada) to foster closer co-operation among these core industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. It was originally established for three years, its work has been renewed for successive triennia (three-year periods).
A summary of the commission's intent has been outlined by Holly Sklar who has conducted extensive research into the history and background of the Trilateral Commission in her book, “Trilateralism: the Trilateral Commission and elite Planning for World Management” says: "The Commission's purpose is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe and Japan -- hence the term 'Trilateral' -- in order to safeguard the interests of Western capitalism in an explosive world. The private commission is attempting to mould public policy and construct a framework for international stability in the coming decades.
"To put it simply, Trilateralists are saying: The people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.
"In short, Trilateralism is the current attempt by ruling elites to manage both dependence and democracy -- at home and abroad."
The “growing interdependence” that so impressed the founders of the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s is deepening into “globalization.” The need for shared thinking and leadership by the Trilateral countries, who (along with the principal international organizations) remain the primary anchors of the wider international system, has not diminished but, if anything, intensified.
The members of the Trilateral Commission are about 350 distinguished leaders in business, media, academia, public service (excluding current national Cabinet Ministers), labour unions, and other non-governmental organizations from the three regions.
The annual meeting of Trilateral Commission members rotates among the three regions. It was held in London in 2001, Tokyo in 2000, and in Washington, D.C. in 1999. It was held in Washington D.C. again in 2002. The agendas for these meetings have addressed a wide range of issues.
The project work of the Trilateral Commission generally involves teams of authors from the three regions working together for a year or so on draft reports, which are discussed in draft form until the annual meetings and then published. The authors typically consult with many others in the course of their work. The task force reports (Triangle Papers) to the Trilateral Commission covering a wide range of topics.
In April, 1974, former U. S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Trilateralist and CFR member Richard Gardner's article The Hard Road to World Order is published in the CFR's Foreign Affairs where he states that: "the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
In 1979, Barry Goldwater, retiring Republican Senator from Arizona, published his autobiography With No Apologies. He writes: "In my view The Trilateral Commission represents a skilful, co-ordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power -- political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community. What the Trilateralist s truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."
In 1987, The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change was sponsored in part by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Some thoughts of author Arthur S. Miller are: "...a pervasive system of thought control exists in the United States...the citizenry is indoctrinated by employment of the mass media and the system of public education...people are told what to think about...the old order is crumbling...Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease...A new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic solutions...a new Constitution is necessary."
- Carnegie by Peter Krass
- Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr by Ron Chernow
- The Death of the Banker: The Decline and Fall of the Great Financial Dynasties and the Triumph of the Small Investor by Ron Chernow
- The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family by Ron Chernow
- The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow
- The House of Rothschild: The World’s Banker 1849-1998 by Niall Ferguson
- House of Rothschild : Money's Prophets: 1798-1848 by Niall Ferguson
- Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids by Jim Marrs
- Who’s Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, & Trilateral Commission by Robert Gaydon Ross Snr.
- Conrad Goeringer: The Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The Illuminati
- Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), The Anglo-American Establishment, From Rhodes to Cliveden, 1981, Books In Focus, NY, NY
- Wulf Schwartzwaller, "The Unknown Hitler" by, Berkeley Books, 1990
- Dr. Louis L. Snyder, Encyclopaedia of the Third Reich (McGraw-Hill Inc., 1976)
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